It turns out a fruit farm in a quiet Kent village is the perfect spot to host semi-secret gay discos 1977–86!
Justin played for Brighton & Hove Albion from 1985–87, and is remembered here by people who met him.
A wee pink plaque guide to Brighton & Hove, only with very few actual plaques, and more than a few tenuous links.
It’s A Sin and HIV in 1980s Brighton: ‘We were undesirable’ – Argus 27 February 2021
Historian to host reunion of Brighton’s ‘queer pioneers’ – Argus: 15 December 2021
Brighton’s first gay demonstration took place in October 1972, a Gay Day staged by the Sussex Gay Liberation Front.
Val Miles and I made a film about her gay uncle Sydney, using photos and papers she discovered after his death.
A series of photographs taken on a demo with ACT UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power) PARIS on 4 April 1992.
A short film of Trans Pride in Brighton in 2015, featuring Kate O’Donnell singing Stand By Your Trans with the Rainbow Chorus.
Last century nightclubs would advertise with flyers, and they were everywhere. Some ingenious soul made a fistful of Wild Fruit flyers into a waistcoat, obvs…